StarterCart 1.0 Beta Documentation: Store Front

Store Front

Store Front

The default store front that comes with StarterCart is Spartan. It is not meant to be a finished solution, but rather a bare-bones example of functionality and - perhaps - a canvas on which to build.

It will be helpful to understand the use of Layout Components and Page Controllers. After that, you can get product information and display it any way that you like.

Keep in mind that you need not be limited to the pages provided. Feel free to add your own as needed. You can then use the provided form to add a product to the cart or take advantage of any part of the StarterCart API to interact with the checkout process.

Products List Page

As you can see, the existing product page is as basic as it gets:

<cf_layout showTitle="true">

<ul><cfoutput query="qProducts">
	<li><a href="product.cfm?id=#ProductID#">#ProductName#</a></li></cfoutput>


The simplest approach to customizing this page is to ignore the cf_PageController and cf_layout custom tags and dump the qProducts recordset. After that, you can easily write code to display that data any way that you want.

Products Detail Page

Once again, the detail page is as spartan as it gets.


<cf_layout title="#qProduct.ProductName#">
<cf_layout showTitle="true">

<cfoutput query="qProduct">

<form action="/checkout/cart-add-item.cfm" method="post">
	<input type="hidden" name="ProductIdentifier" value="prod:#ProductID#">
	<input type="submit" value="Add to Cart">


Fortunately, the process remains the same. Dump qProduct and change the display as needed. Of course, it would be helpful if you could add fields to the products...