SebTags Build 11 Documentation: Output Configuration

Output Configuration

Output Configuration

The output of cf_sebForm is completely configurable via the "config" attribute structure.

In any of the Fields of EmailFields structures, you can use curly braces ({}) around any text or HTML that should only be used if the field has a label.

Config Keys Descriptions

Key Subkey Description
Layout This is the outer-most wrapper of the cf_sebForm output. It includes any error information, and overall layout, the form tag, and any other output from between the cf_sebForms tags.
ErrorHeader This is the wrapper for the display area of any errors encountered on form submit.
ErrorItem This is the wrapper for each individual error.
Fields The structure containing the output for each field within the cf_sebForm tags.
all The layout for any field that is not specified explicitely.
buttons The layout for any button that is not specified explicitly.
[type] The layout for the type of field specified.
ReqMark The character or string indicating that a field is required.
EmailLayout The outer-most wrapper of the cf_sebForm output for email messages sent by cf_sebForm.
EmailFields The structure containing the output for each field within the cf_sebForm tags for email messages sent by cf_sebForm.
all The emaill layout for any field that is not specified explicitely.
button The email layout for any button that is not specified explicitly.
[type] The email layout for the type of field specified.

Config Keys Defaults

Variable Variable Default Value
Layout (format="semantic)" <div class="sebForm-skin-#LCase("><div id="sebForm" class="sebFormat-semantic">[ErrorHeader]<form>[Fields]</form></div></div>
Layout (format="table)" <div class="sebForm-skin-#LCase("><div id="sebForm" class="sebFormat-table">[ErrorHeader]<form><table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="3">[Fields]</table></form></div></div>
ErrorHeader <div class="sebform-error"><b>We're Sorry. Some information is missing or incomplete:</b><br/><br/><ul>[Errors]</ul><br/>Please try again.</div>
ErrorItem <li>[Error]</li>
all (format="semantic") <div id="div-[id]">{[Label][ReqMark][Colon]}[Input]<div class="sebHelp"gt;[Help]</divgt;</divgt;
all (format="table") <tr id="row-[id]"><td valign="top" class="label">{[Label][ReqMark][Colon]}</td><td valign="top">[Input]<div class="sebHelp">[Help]</div></td></tr>
Colon :
ReqMark <span class="sebReq">*</span>
EmailLayout [Fields]
all (emailtype="html") {[label][Colon] }[value]<br/>
all (emailtype="text") {[label][Colon] }[value]
