SebTags Build 11 Documentation: Getting Data

Getting Data

In order to display data in cf_sebTable, it must be available to the tag. This can be done a few ways.

One of the following methods must be used and one attribute is required in all cases:

Loading Data from a Query

The cf_sebTable tag can take a "query" attribute. This can either be a recordset variable or the name of a query that is on the page calling cf_sebTable.


<cf_sebTable query="qEmployees">
	<cf_sebColumn dbfield="FirstName" label="First Name">

Getting Data from a CFC

The cf_sebTable tag can get a query from a CFC using the following variables.


<cf_sebTable CFC_Component="#Application.Employees#" CFC_GetMethod="getEmployees">
	<cf_sebColumn dbfield="FirstName" label="First Name">

Datasource and Table

Although it is not recommended, you can get data to cf_sebTable directly from a database table. Note that this may not be supported in future versions. Use the following arguments: