SebTags Build 11 Documentation: Links


The cf_sebTable can automatically include several convenient links or buttons for you (or not) based on your needs.

The "editlink" attribute is the URL to which add and edit links will point (with the primary key value being appended to the link in the case of an edit). So, an example value for the attribute might be "record-edit.cfm?id=".

Add Link

Unless the "isAddable" attribute (boolean, default "true") is set to "false" or the rowlimit attribute has a value that is met or exceeded by the number of records in the table, then an add link will appear in the header section of the cf_sebTable output.

[Add New #attributes.label#]

Edit Link

Unless the "isEditable" attribute (boolean, default "true") is set to "false" then cf_sebTable will include an edit link after all other columns.

If the "isRowClickable" attribute (boolean, default "false") is set to "true" then clicking anywhere on the row will send the user to the page indicated in the edit link.


Unless the "isDeletable" attribute (boolean, default "true") is set to "false" (or the name of a field that is "false" for that row) then cf_sebTable will include a delete option after all other columns (including the edit link).

For more flexible linking options, see the cf_sebColumn linking page