com.sebtools Build 12 Documentation: Records Meta Data

Records Meta Data

Records Meta Data Methods

Records components provide a few methods to describe the component itself.


The "getFieldsStruct" method returns a structure of all of the fields in the Records component (including relation fields). Each key of the structure is the name of a field and each one holds a structure representing the attributes of that field.

The method takes one argument "transformer" and adjusts the values returned for values of "sebField" or "sebColumn". It could, of course, be extended to do more as well.

This is also used by SebTags.


The "getFieldsStruct" method returns an array of all of the fields in the Records component (including relation fields). The array is in the order in which the fields are defined internally. Each item of the array holds a structure representing the attributes of that field.

The method takes one argument "transformer" and adjusts the values returned for values of "sebField" or "sebColumn". It could, of course, be extended to do more as well.

This is also used by SebTags.


The "getMetaStruct" returns a structure of information about the Records component.

This is also used by SebTags.