Custom Relations Part III: Cascading

Last time I covered how to use custom relations to add a field composed of complicated SQL. The real problem, however, is to reference that field from another table. Fortunately, this problem is easy to solve.


Custom Relations Part II: Complex Logic

A friend of mine called me yesterday with an interesting problem because he was unable to get some data for a record using DataMgr because it would require complicated logic. He didn't want to drop DataMgr because then he would have to write this logic in several places.


Custom Relations Part I: IsNull

I just got an email from someone using DataMgr asking how to use DataMgr to filter by whether or not a field is NULL. This seems like functionality that DataMgr should have (and hopefully will in a future version), but right now it doesn't. It doesn't seem right that this should be the end of the road. Fortunately, you can convince DataMgr to do things it wasn't built to do.


Skinning cf_sebForm

When I was working on cf_sebForm, I knew that I wanted it to work on any site. That meant that I had to be able to use the same code for different output on different sites. At first all of my forms were tabular, with code like the following:


Opera Sues Microsoft

Opera just announced that it is suing Microsoft (open letter, press release) for using its market dominant position to tie its OS to a browser with poor standard support.


Validation in cf_sebForm

Although I briefly touched on validation in cf_sebForm, it is certainly a topic that deserves more attention. This is especially true in light of Ben Nadel's great entry on data type validation versus data value validation (and his final thoughts on the same topic). It is an important distinction and I want to cover how cf_sebForm deals with the challenge.


Global Custom Tag Attributes

While working on my custom tag set, I discovered that I often have attributes that will be the same across a whole site. These attributes need to change from site to site.

For example, I have a "skin" attribute to skin the output of my custom tags. Every tag in a site should use the same skin. If I copy some code from one site to another, it should automatically use the skin of the site to which it is copied.


Why I don't like Hub-and-Spoke

In my recent review of Luis Majano's ColdBox presentation, I mentioned that I don't like Hub-and-spoke. I was asked for clarification on why Hub-and-Spoke doesn't work for me.


BlogCFC was created by Raymond Camden. This blog is running version 5.8.001.