Query of Queries Select NULL Error

I love Query of Queries. It frequently saves me a lot of time and trouble. Yesterday, however, I ran into a bug in the feature that caused a bit of heartache.

I needed to join two queries with a UNION. The first query had a date field that I needed to use. In order to get the UNION to work, I needed to include the same column in the second query. In that query, however, I had no date.

I run into this scenario from time to time in UNION queries with a database and it is easy to solve. I just write NULL AS ColumnName and continue about my business.

With Query of Queries, however, that didn't work. It returned an error stating:

Encountered "NULL. Incorrect Select List, Incorrect select column,

Apparently ColdFusion was looking for a column named "NULL" instead of treating it as a SQL keyword for the NULL value.

I wrote some code to reproduce the problem with the cfbookclub datasource that comes with ColdFusion:

<cfquery name="qBooks" datasource="cfbookclub">
FROM   books
<cfquery name="qBooks" dbtype="query">
SELECT   BookID,Title,Genre,BookImage
FROM   qBooks
WHERE   Genre = 'Fiction'
SELECT   BookID,Title,Genre,NULL AS BookImage
FROM   qBooks
WHERE   Genre = 'Non-fiction'

In this example, I could have replaced NULL with '' and that would have fixed the problem. When I try to do that with a date, however, I get an error about a datatype mismatch.

I was able to hack around the problem, but I wish I didn't have to do so.

So, if you ever see this error, that is the problem.

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You can leverage CF's poor handling of the concept of NULL to your own advantage here. An empty string is often synonymous with a NULL.

So one can cast an empty string to a null timestamp, in QoQ.

Sample code (hopefully your blog will escape angle brackets...):

   q1 = queryNew("iCol,sCol,dCol", "CF_SQL_INTEGER,CF_SQL_VARCHAR,CF_SQL_TIMESTAMP");
   for (i=1; i <= 10; i++){
      querySetCell(q1, "iCol", i);
      querySetCell(q1, "sCol", repeatString(chr(64+i), i));
      querySetCell(q1, "dCol", dateAdd("d", i, now()));

   q2 = queryNew("iCol,sCol", "CF_SQL_INTEGER,CF_SQL_VARCHAR");
   for (i=11; i <= 20; i++){
      querySetCell(q1, "iCol", i);
      querySetCell(q1, "sCol", repeatString(chr(64+i), i));

<cfquery name="q3" dbtype="query">
   select   iCol, sCol, dCol
   from   q1
   union all
   select   iCol, sCol, cast('' as TIMESTAMP)
   from   q2
<cfdump var="#q3#">

# Posted By Adam Cameron | 3/14/08 2:12 PM

Great suggestion! A friend has actually suggested using cast, but I confidently told him that query of queries doesn't support cast (I feel sheepish now, especially since I now recall Ben Nadel having used it).

I copied your example code and it worked. When I tried to apply it to my code, however, I got a "null null" error. I should probably investigate further, but I already have a working hack in place.
# Posted By Steve Bryant | 3/17/08 6:18 AM
Has anybody seen the images that correspond to the BOOKIMAGE field?
# Posted By Phillip Senn | 7/6/09 10:05 AM
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