CF_BlogPicks May 12, 2008

Another week where great posts had to be sacrificed to get down to the limit of five entries. As a bonus, however, a selection of posts about cf.Objective() including some passionate discussions about the future of ColdFusion. See why you don't want to miss cf.Objective() next year!

Bonus: cf.Objective()

Comments (Comment Moderation is enabled. Your comment will not appear until approved.)
It was good to finally meet you, Steve! And thanks for listing my blog post... However, if I was going to put up one of my blog posts for the week, I would have thought you would have picked this one:

I hope to see you at CFUNITED! I don't know if you're at the Summit or not, but I couldn't take that time off.
# Posted By Brian Meloche | 5/13/08 6:00 AM

Indeed! That was the one I meant to put, but I guess I got mixed up. That is corrected now.

Great to finally meet you as well. I was hoping to be at the Summit, but I am pretty busy so I could only justify time for one conference this season and cf.Objective() won the race (over both the summit and CFUnited).

I am pretty jealous of everyone at the Summit though, sounds like a great time.
# Posted By Steve Bryant | 5/13/08 6:29 AM
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