Managing Uploaded Files with FileMgr

Years ago, I used to put uploaded files any random place in my sites. This turned out to be a pain when I wanted to deploy a new version of a site. If I was using FTP, I couldn't just upload a set of root folders because some folders used for uploads might be within them and I wouldn't want to overwrite files that had been uploaded on the live site. If I was using subversion, then I would have to select "ignore" on each upload location individually. Even comparisons in BeyondCompare were a little more tedious.


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I'm actually working on a project that is going to be doing a lot of file uploading and management, so this is just what I need! I'll give it a spin and let you know it works for me.
# Posted By Eric Cobb | 1/28/09 12:44 PM

Glad to hear it!

Let me know how it works for you.
# Posted By Steve Bryant | 1/28/09 8:16 PM
For some reason when I used the UploadFile function an empty structure was returned. I'm not sure why this happened, but I overcame the problem by adding result="result" to the CFFILE tag which fixed the problem. Thought this might be useful to anyone else who experiencing the same problem.

Thanks for a create tool Steve! :o)
# Posted By Simon Bingham | 8/25/09 4:39 AM
For some reason when I used the UploadFile function an empty structure was returned. I'm not sure why this happened, but I overcame the problem by adding result="result" to the CFFILE tag which fixed the problem. Thought this might be useful to anyone else who experiencing the same problem.

Thanks for a create tool Steve! :o)
# Posted By Simon Bingham | 8/25/09 4:40 AM
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