Filtering Undeclared Arguments

One thing I have wanted to do in ColdFusion for some time is to limit the arguments scope in a function to arguments I have declared with cfargument. That feature doesn't exist, but I made the next best thing.

Here is the syntax that I want:

<cffunction name="testMethod" limitargs="true">
   <cfargument name="a">
   <cfargument name="b">
   <cfargument name="c">
   <cfdump var="#arguments#">

Then I could call the function like this:

<cfset testMethod(a=1,b=2,c=3,d=4,e=5,f=6,g=7)>

And get the following dump:

In reality, I get this:

So, I made a UDF to do the next best thing:

<cffunction name="testMethod" limitargs="true">
   <cfargument name="a">
   <cfargument name="b">
   <cfargument name="c">
   <cfset filterArguments(testMethod,arguments)>
   <cfdump var="#arguments#">

<cfset testMethod(a=1,b=2,c=3,d=4,e=5,f=6,g=7)>

Without the limitargs attribute:

<cffunction name="testMethod">
   <cfargument name="a">
   <cfargument name="b">
   <cfargument name="c">
   <cfset filterArguments(testMethod,arguments)>
   <cfdump var="#arguments#">

<cfset testMethod(a=1,b=2,c=3,d=4,e=5,f=6,g=7)>

Note that the code takes the function itself (not the name of the function) as the first argument. If you didn't know, you can actually pass a function around in ColdFusion (and even execute the passed function).

Here is the filterArguments UDF:

<cffunction name="filterArguments" access="public" returntype="any" output="false">
   <cfargument name="method" type="any">
   <cfargument name="args" type="any">
   <cfset var sMethod = getMetaData(arguments.method)>
   <cfset var arglist = "">
   <cfset var ii = "">
   <!--- Only take action if the function has limitargs attribute set to true --->
   <cfif StructKeyExists(sMethod,"limitargs") AND sMethod.limitargs IS true>
      <!--- Get a list of arguments --->
      <cfif ArrayLen(sMethod.Parameters)>
         <cfloop index="ii" from="1" to="#ArrayLen(sMethod.Parameters)#">
            <cfset arglist = ListAppend(arglist,sMethod.Parameters[ii].name)>
      <!--- Ditch any argument not in the list --->
      <cfloop collection="#arguments.args#" item="ii">
         <cfif NOT ListFindNoCase(arglist,ii)>
            <cfset StructDelete(arguments.args,ii)>
   <!--- Just in case it is called as arguments=filterArguments() --->
   <cfreturn arguments>

The first thing this function does is get the meta data of the function passed to it:

<cfset var sMethod = getMetaData(arguments.method)>

Then it checks the value of the limitargs attribute:

<cfif StructKeyExists(sMethod,"limitargs") AND sMethod.limitargs IS true>

I used "IS true" so that it will use an empty string as false, but accept true or 1 or yes as true.

After that, I loop through the arguments in the meta data to build a list of arguments and remove any arguments that aren't in the list.

As a safety measure, I return the arguments. This is just in case the function is called as arguments=filterArguments(method,arguments). I didn't want it to mess up the arguments scope in that case.

I would still like the feature to be native, but I think this meets my needs nicely until then.

Comments (Comment Moderation is enabled. Your comment will not appear until approved.)
Nice! I hate coming behind coders who were too lazy to declare the arguments with cfargument. I agree with you, this should be a built in CF feature.
# Posted By Eric Cobb | 7/21/09 10:49 AM
Heh. Yeah, I never do that...
# Posted By Steve Bryant | 7/21/09 4:10 PM
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