DataMgr 2.5 Alpha 1

It has been seven months since DataMgr 2.2 was released and now DataMgr 2.5 Alpha 1 is finally available. I have gotten quite a bit of help on this version, both in terms of ideas as well as code.


Derby Datasource: Embedded or Client

I attended CFUnited 2009 last week and I had a really great time. The last presentation that I attended was "Using Apache Derby, the Open Source Database Embedded in ColdFusion 8" by Charlie Arehart. I went to this presentation partly because I am interested in learning more about Apache Derby and partly because I try to catch at least one Charlie Arehart presentation per ColdFusion conference.

As usual for Charlie, the whole presentation was well delivered and packed with useful information. Most significant for me, however, was the difference between the two kinds of Derby datasources.


Which is Faster?

In programming, discussions often come up about which approach to solving a problem is faster. Although I think these discussions often miss the point (as other decision factors often trump execution speed), they are still often informative.

I have had a few occassions recently where I wanted to answer these questions myself. It seemed tedious to continue to write code to test that out, so I decided to write a generic "Code Timer" to run code and test for execution times.


Tracking Scheduled Tasks with Scheduler 1.1

One of the sites I work on went through a period where it ran very slowly (or even crashed) a few times a month. Each time, the problem generally started around three in the morning. As the site has several scheduled tasks, I was asked if any of them could be the culprit. At the time, I had no reliable way to answer that question. Now I do.


BlogCFC was created by Raymond Camden. This blog is running version 5.8.001.