DataMgr List Relations

DataMgr has had "list" relations for some time now, but I don't think I have yet done a good job of explaining them. Hopefully I can correct that today.

(What is DataMgr?)

So, let's start with this example:


EmployeeID RegionID FirstName LastName
1 1 Scott Summers
2 2 Jean Grey
3 3 Ororo Munroe
4 4 Peter Nicholas
5 1 Robert Drake
6 2 Henry McCoy
7 3 Kurt Wagner
8 4 Charles Xavier


GroupID GroupName
1 Blue
2 Gold
3 Red


RegionID RegionName
1 North
2 East
3 West
4 South

This presents use with several options for using a "list" relation.

One to Many

For example, I might want a list of all of the EmployeeIDs associated with a given region. For that, I could use the following XML (see LoadXml):

<table name="regions">
   <field ColumnName="RegionID" CF_Datatype="CF_SQL_INTEGER" PrimaryKey="true" Identity="true" />
   <field ColumnName="RegionName" CF_Datatype="CF_SQL_VARCHAR" Length="50" />
   <field ColumnName="employees">



<cfset sRelation = {

<cfset DataMgr.setColumn(tablename="regions",columnname="employees",Relation=sRelation)>

This simply references the "EmployeeID" field from the "employees" table where the value of the field indicated in "join-field-local" in the "regions" table ("RegionID") matches the value of the fields indicated in the "join-field-remote" ("RegionID") in the "employees" table.

Now, because both the "join-field-local" and "join-field-remote" values matched, I could have just used on "join-field" attribute as a shortcut, but I will stick with the more verbose syntax for clarity.

If I call DataMgr.getRecords("regions"), I will get back a query with an "employees" column that will have a comma delimited list with the values of every "EmployeeID" from a row where the "RegionID" of the "employees" table matches the "RegionID" for that record in the "region" table.

<cfset qEmployees = DataMgr.getRecords(tablename="regions")>

RegionID RegionName employees
1 North 1,5
2 East 2,6
3 West 3,7
4 South 4,8

The table in the database wouldn't have a "groups" field, but it would still be part of the query returned from that table by DataMgr.

Many to Many

I also might want a list of all of the GroupIDs associated with a given employee. For that, I could use the following XML:

<table name="employees">
   <field ColumnName="groups">


Or the Following setColumn() call:

<cfset sRelation = {

<cfset DataMgr.setColumn(tablename="employees",columnname="groups",Relation=sRelation)>

Then a getRecords() call on the employees table can include the "groups" column.

<cfset qEmployees = DataMgr.getRecords(tablename="employees",fieldlist="EmployeeID,FirstName,LastName,groups")>
EmployeeID FirstName LastName groups
1 Scott Summers 1,3
2 Jean Grey 1,2
3 Ororo Munroe 2
4 Peter Nicholas 2
5 Robert Drake  
6 Henry McCoy 1,3
7 Kurt Wagner  
8 Charles Xavier 1,2,3

Here are what each attribute indicates:

  • type="list": indicates I want a list
  • table="groups": Indicates that I want my column to contain a value from a field in the "groups" table
  • join-table="employees2groups": Indicates that this is a many-to-many relationship stored in the "employees2groups" table
  • field="GroupID": Indicates that I want to get a value from the "GroupID" field of the "groups" table
  • local-table-join-field="EmployeeID": means that the "EmployeeID" field of the "employees" table should match a field in the "employees2groups" table
  • join-table-field-local="EmployeeID": means the at the "EmployeeID" field of "employees2groups" should match a field in the "employees" table
  • join-table-field-remote="GroupID": means that the "GroupID" field of "employees2groups" should match a field in the "groups" table
  • remote-table-join-field="GroupID": means that the "GroupID" field of "groups" should match a field in the "employees2groups" table

The fields marked with red balloons indicate the One-to-Many example, while the fields with the blue balloons indicate the Many-to-Many example.

Since this list relation uses a join-table, the value of the field can be set when saving a record in the "employees" table.

<cfset sData = {EmployeeID=3,groups="1,2}>
<cfset Datamgr.saveRecord("employees",sData)>

This will add or remove records to the "employees2groups" table so that the value of the groups field is "1,2".

If I wanted to get a list of the "GroupName" fields from the "groups" table for groups associated with a given user, I could do that as well.

<table name="employees">
   <field ColumnName="groupnames">


<cfset qEmployees = DataMgr.getRecords(tablename="employees",fieldlist="EmployeeID,FirstName,LastName,groupnames")>
EmployeeID FirstName LastName groupnames
1 Scott Summers Blue,Red
2 Jean Grey Blue,Gold
3 Ororo Munroe Gold
4 Peter Nicholas Gold
5 Robert Drake
6 Henry McCoy Blue,Red
7 Kurt Wagner
8 Charles Xavier Blue,Gold,Red

Just like when saving the "groups" field, a value can be passed in to the "groupnames" field.

<cfset sData = {EmployeeID=3,GroupNames="Gold,Blue"}>
<cfset Datamgr.saveRecord("employees",sData)>

Note that this will only work if a join-table is included in the list relation.

Hopefully this provides a good explanation of list relations in DataMgr. If you have any questions, let me know.

DataMgr is open source and free for any use. Download 2.2 Beta from the DataMgr page on my site.

Comments (Comment Moderation is enabled. Your comment will not appear until approved.)
Nice... now is my chance to request a list that is one to many based. :) ... seriously though this is much better. Thanks for working on the docs for us!
# Posted By John Farrar | 11/26/08 9:24 AM

Thanks for all of your great feedback. If you see any other improvements that could be made to the documentation or to DataMgr itself, I am always interested.
# Posted By Steve Bryant | 11/26/08 10:02 AM
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