CodeCop 1.0.1 Updater 1

I recently updated CodeCop to fix a bug reported by Todd Mathews. If you are running CodeCop in the CF Admin of ColdFusion 8 and you don't want to use the Derby database, then upgrade to this version.

The only file that has been changed is the Application.cfm in the root of CodeCop.

CodeCop is open source and free for any use.

Comments (Comment Moderation is enabled. Your comment will not appear until approved.)
Can you direct me to a page in the file that explains where the CodeCop folder needs to reside and how to implement it in CF8.
# Posted By Michael Brennan-White | 4/9/08 9:29 AM

In the root of CodeCop, you should find a file called install.txt with instructions. Let me know if it doesn't make sense.
# Posted By Steve Bryant | 4/9/08 10:04 AM
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